Qualities required for emotional fitness in the 21st Century police force. Police forces around the world face unpredictable situations.
Women in leadership – Here’s the four lessons the equality battle has revealed for boosting business performance…
Supporting APAC Leaders Global business shaping electrical world. Business Need The APAC Leadership community identified the need to be trained virtually on aspects of Leading In A Crisis (this was May 2020 – the world was struggling with the sudden impact of Covid). The organisation, through informal internal feedback from various levels, was hearing
Team-building, leadership, and culture-change with Lumina Spark and Lumina Leader Mireille Watanabe Handover, Lumina Learning Partner “I always thought that I was an easy and co-operative person to work with. However, the Lumina Learning workshops showed that in reality I left my “easy co-operative” style at home and, previously in